miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009



High trauma to the patient.

A year and and three month of treatment, 16 surgeries.

For any non-medical people can rise to the idea that the amputation could have been the solution, but it is not.

"The patient is subject to have kept his leg and foot.

"My leg and foot are fully vascularized and sensitive to perform their functions of support and progress that will improve with the passage of time.

"No member prosthesis replaces the natural, when in addition to the above features, allow a march that will surely improve with time.

"It will be time to give way to a plastic surgeon who try to improve the residual scars of the accident and multiple surgeries.

This depends on the willingness of the patient and posibiliddes of improvement that he can offer. At the moment the patient is unwilling to do so.

"The artificial prostheses have disadvantages, cost, maintenance, and a fundamental thing, the patient's age: 25 years. This gives a margin too big to make decisions in the future.

Lateral radiograph.

Profile of the foot showing.

Arthrodesis consolidated, and a sequel of flat foot.

In the front sees consolidated arthrodesis.

Oblique approach that shows the consolidated arthrodesis.

Picture of front of the patient's leg edema with much heat intensity, and the intense bustle of the day, because after two years without being able to take a test, attended the CERP adar a review of the patient information approved.

He aspires to be Professor of Biology, which I have no doubt they will succeed.

Can clearly see the flat foot, the sequel of fractures of the foot, and ordered that soft tissue occurred in the accident.

Also the scars of the operations he endured mulltiple this patient.

Rear view of the same leg. It is clearly seen where the tire came from one of the two cars passed over him, which was part of skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle.

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