miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009


Physicians and who have collaborated and encouraged the idea.
Dr. Cesar Suarez. Head of Dermatology, Regional Hospital of Salto.

"He taught us to prepare the amnion. Procedure is simple, as everything after that is learned.

Dr. Eduardo Andrade. Head of the Department of Pathology.

He made a state tracking amnion prepared for the purpose of establishing its Practicability and use.

Falls Hospital Laboratory.

-Collaborated by monitoring the bacteriology of preparations and allowed us to manage with greater security.

Obstetrical Service.

-Collaborated cediéndonos placentas in pregnancies monitored.

Servico de Radiología.

"He was always presnte and tiring of the endless surgeries, and will continue.

My "Iron Team" of the Polyclinic Hospital Regional Trauma Salto.

On the left Plaster Technician Diego Hernandez. A tireless worker and his right hand.

Rosa Bravo. Degree in nursing. Tireless worker. "Old Iron!

My father. Dr. Carlos Rafael Cuculic. Precursor of Trumatología in the Country. It was the first orthopedic formed that came into the country. Of course long before I worked at this clinic, with the same nurse.

Working at the Polyclinic.

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