miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009


The attitude to win:

The negative and disseminate comments, not critics, who are welcome but negative for no reason.

I was told that the use of the amnion was forbiden in our country for these purposes.

Neck saw no decree upon it or know it exists.

As might be that there is a decree to that effect if there is no publication on this, not only in our small country, but in the World??? It is the first publication to be done about it.

Other uses that have been in ophthalmology for the pterygium and burned. And if you can use in such patients can be used on these.

Notwithstanding the above regulation, in these patients, had continued to use, patient's prior consent, which was given in all cases and clear explanations to the patient which could be your options, because I found no other solution to the probem posed by this serious accidents.

I think it is a path that can provide beneficial elements to this kind of patient and is a way to go.

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